Microbiote oral symbiotique et dysbiotique : de la santé aux pathologies de la cavité buccale

UR D-258, Microbes, Evolution, Phylogénie et Infection (MEPHI)
Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)

Chefs d’équipes :
  • ABOUDHARAM  Gérard
  • ANTEZACK Angéline
  • DRANCOURT  Michel
  • GRINE Ghiles
  • PILLIOL  Virginie
  • TASSERY Hervé


  1. Within our MEPHI structure: collaboration with Prof. Colson’s future team on viruses of the oral cavity: a PhD student will be assigned to work on the association of certain emerging viruses with periodontal disease (CPP in progress). Possible collaborations with different teams of our research unit, in particular with the future team of Prof. Million concerning the implication of oral dysbiosis in severe malnutrition of children in West Africa.
  2. With research structures of Aix Marseille University: multiple collaborations in progress with archaeologists with M. Signoli and C. Costedoat of the ADES laboratory. These collaborations allow us to obtain valuable samples (tartars and ancient teeth) useful in palaeomicrobiology.
  3. With national research laboratories: collaborations with the CHU Estaing (Pr Hennequin, Clermont Ferrand), on the interface between the texture of the alimentary bolus and the modification of the oral microbiota, with the hospital Pontchaillou (Pr Bonnaure-Mallet, Rennes) around various themes, one of which is the influence of tobacco on the oral flora (PHRC project in progress), with the CHU of Nice (Pr Vincent-Bugnas and Dr A. Doglio, MICORALIS laboratory UPR7354), and the University Hospital of Rennes (Pr Jeanne) within the project HERPARO, (PHRC in progress).

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