The Board of Directors
It is composed of 19 members who represent in a balanced manner the different members and supports of the Foundation:
- 7 members as founders: Aix-Marseilles University, AP-HM, 3 research structures (CNRS, IRD and INSERM), a public institution (EFS), and a private institution (the Institut Mérieux)
- 2 elected members, representatives of teachers, researchers and teacher-researchers
- 10 Qualified Personalities, chosen by the founding members for their expertise in the Foundation’s sectors. These include representatives of partner members of the IHU
The foundation is chaired by Doctor Yolande Obadia and directed by Professor Didier Raoult, department head of the laboratory of bacteriology and virology of La Timone Hospital in Marseilles. The Treasurer is Mr Jean-Jacques Romatet.
The Foundation is administered by a Board of Directors composed of founder members, representatives of partner members, elected members, representatives of teachers, researchers and teacher-researchers, and Qualified Personalities selected by the founders according to their skills.
Each founder has a representative member sitting on the Board of Directors.
Representatives of partner members are included within the Qualified Personalities.
The Board of Directors shall act by a majority of its current members, present or represented.
Elections of representative members of teachers and researchers
Representatives of teachers, researchers and teacher-researchers among the Board of Directors are elected by the units composing the IHU.
The 21st December 2011 two representatives of teachers, researchers and teacher-researchers were elected by the members of the foundation:
- Didier Raoult
- Bruno Ventelou
The schedule and conditions for organising the elections are determined by the rules of procedure.
Agenda of the Board of Directors
The Board meets 1 to 2 times per year.
The first Board of Directors of the Méditerranée Infection Foundation took place on the 21st December 2011 in the Thesis room n° 1 of the Faculty of Medicine in Marseilles.
The second Board of Directors of the Méditerranée Infection Foundation took place on the 24st April 2012 in the Thesis room n° 1 of the Faculty of Medicine in Marseilles.
The third Board of Directors of the Méditerranée Infection Foundation took place on the 23rd october 2012 in the room “Dessein” of the Faculty of Medicine in Marseilles.
The Steering Committee
This organ is a scientific strategy committee, chaired by the President and the Director of the Foundation.
Its members are appointed by the Board of Directors upon proposal of the founders after consultation with department heads and founders of Méditerranée Infection.
It is held every week in the context of implementation of the Foundation.
The Steering Committee is coordinated by the President and the Director of the Foundation as well as several scientists responsible for the management and running of the Foundation.
Its scientific members are in charge of Work Packages, appointed by the Board of Directors based on proposal from the founder members.
It meets every week in the context of implementation of the Foundation.
The Scientific Council
It is consulted on the Foundation’s major scientific orientations and annual action program before these are submitted for approval to the Board of Directors, and on any other matter referred to it by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
It assesses the impact of the actions that are being led, the influence and the attractiveness of the activities of the IHU at international level and makes any recommendation it deems useful for the development of the foundation.
Composition and modus operandi
The Scientific Council is composed of 11 renowned French or foreign scientists, appointed outside the Foundation by the Board of Directors on the proposal of the founders for a period of three years, renewable by half, according to the following distribution:
- 5 French scientists,
- 6 foreign scientists
Each member shall do no more than two terms.
The Scientific Council shall elect a chairman among its members.
The Scientific Council chairman shall annually submit an annual report to the Board of Directors and attend the Board of Directors meetings in an advisory capacity.
The Scientific Council shall meet at least once a year.
Fees for members of the Scientific Council and the conditions for reimbursement of expenses incurred are determined by the Board of Directors.
It is consulted on the Foundation’s major scientific orientations and annual action program before these are submitted for approval to the Board of Directors, and on any other matter referred to it by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
It assesses the impact of the actions that are being led, the influence and the attractiveness of the activities of the IHU at international level and makes any recommendation it deems useful for the development of the foundation.
The chairman of the Scientific Council shall annually submit an annual report to the Board of Directors.